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Në Altarin e Kohës: Libër Poeti
CHF 24.90

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Libri poetik "NË ALTARIN E KOHËS" i autorit Veselaj si strukturë poetike është solide në diskurs dhe kompozicion, përpjekja...

Never Met Before: Alluring Wandering
CHF 21.90

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Brown & Emily are in a Long Distance Relationship. They both get into a relationship, even before they meet each other. When Brown...

New Three Character Classic and The Rules for Students: By Shanlin-Tzu
CHF 21.90

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Poems of Natural Wisdom follow the aim of "using poetry to cultivate people, educating through poetry", and are in accordance with...

Orientação sobre a carne
CHF 24.90

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A poesia tem uma liturgia própria e uma crença pessoal independente de sua via de tráfego. André Ferraz, o homem, é católico,...

Otros gritos
CHF 24.90

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Seis mujeres. Vidas que se cruzan, atravesadas por un grito de rebelión. En 2012 se cumplió el centenario del Grito de Alcorta,...

O Vôo das Borboletas: Contos
CHF 24.90

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A borboleta é um inseto dividido em três partes (a cabeça, o tórax e o abdómen) e durante as eras e nas culturas, as borboletas...

Parábola in Aeternum II: Conversaciones desde mi adolescencia
CHF 39.90

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Este poemario que usted leerá, muy seguramente, es la reflexión sobre la realidad de nuestra humanidad, iniciando por el balbuceo...

Pawn Revenge: Does revenge pain?
CHF 15.50

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This is about two different persons from different background. A girl is baffled to decide with whom she should fall in love with...One...

Poems of Quazi Johirul Islam: Power of Words
CHF 39.90

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Our world is full of poetry. Look around us! A selfie you just took seconds ago is silent poetry, and poetry is selfie that speaks...

Poetry Diary of a feeling soul: Where the stars elude the lucid mind, the soul dares to kiss the Zen
CHF 39.90

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This is a poetry diary for every single soul attached to something bigger than the world. It is for the feeling paradoxes of the...